
All of our blog posts relevant to birth. 


The Truth about Epidurals in Labour

Its also a good idea to learn about epidurals even if you really don’t want one! Things can change rapidly in childbirth and there are sometimes reasons that your Dr. or Midwife even may suggest an epidural. The last thing anyone would ever want was to be forced to make a last minute decision without all the facts. So in true Balancing from Birth to Baby form, let us help empower you with knowledge.

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breathing tips

Natural Pain Management in Labour: Breathing Tips

“Natural Pain Management” in Labour. What does that even mean? The word “natural” has been over-popularized and overused nowadays to mean something totally different than the word’s original intention. Natural pain management simply means managing your pain without the use of medication. This post’s focus is on breathing. Breathing is not only an essential part

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