
All of our blog posts relevant to pregnancy.

faqs prenatal

Prenatal Class FAQs

We often hear from expecting families that they feel overwhelmed with all the information and aren’t sure if they need a prenatal class or which one to take. We aim to cut through the overwhelm and all the noise to give you the best and most relevant evidence -based information to help you make the

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miscarriage recovery

Recovering from the Heartbreak of Miscarriage

The first thing to know if you’ve had a miscarriage is that it was not your fault. Often when things like this happen, our first response is to try to figure out why. Unfortunately, it’s often impossible to know why a miscarriage has happened. It can be helpful to understand that miscarriages are extremely common – some estimates say 10-20 % of known pregnancies end in miscarriage.

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birth plans

Birth Plans 101

I am often asked about birth plans by the couples in our classes and by my doula and coaching clients. If you don’t know, a birth plan is something that women and their partners write about what they hope will occur during their labour, what they hope to avoid, and anything else they feel is

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