
Balancing Birth To Baby Blog

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  • youre pregnant now what blog post image

    You’re Pregnant! Now What?

    Congratulations! What an exciting time for you! I’m sure there are a million thoughts and feelings running through your brain right now. Let us take care of some of the work for you – here’s a handy list of things you need to do in the first few weeks and months of pregnancy. First things […]
    what is a doula

    What Is a Doula (and Why You Might Want One)?

    If you’ve ever heard someone mention their doula and found yourself wondering, “What exactly does a doula do?” you’re not alone. The word “doula” often conjures up an image of a mystical guide to all things birth and baby, but we’re here to set the record straight (and maybe add a sprinkle of magic along […]
    books for babies

    Books for Babies

    Books are a great way to help your baby develop and become a reader for life! At birth a baby has all the brain cells they need for life, but they need to develop the connections (or synapses) between these cells. These connections are the keys to learning. The brain’s ability to grow these connections […]
    collecting colostrum

    Collecting Colostrum During Pregnancy

    If you’re expecting a baby, you may have heard about the benefits of collecting colostrum before birth, also known as antenatal colostrum harvesting. Colostrum is the first milk your body produces, often called “liquid gold” for its rich concentration of nutrients, antibodies, and protective properties. Collecting colostrum in the weeks leading up to your baby’s […]
    planning for your postpartum

    Planning for your Postpartum

    So much time, effort and energy goes into planning for pregnancy and planning for the birth of a baby. Often what is neglected is planning for the postpartum period. We get so caught up in waiting to have a baby that when they actually come there is an awful “Aha!” moment of “Well what do […]
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    Empowering Black Mothers: Overcoming the Barriers to Breastfeeding in the Black Community

    This post was written by Desiray Tynes, dietetic student and reviewed by Christina Iaboni, RD Black Breastfeeding Week 2024 runs from August 25-311. This annual event celebrates and supports Black mothers in their breastfeeding journeys. Despite the health benefits of breastfeeding, Black mothers often face unique challenges. To help, we need to address these barriers […]
    painful labour

    How Painful is Labour?

    Questions and fears about labour pain are what I hear most often from doula clients, coaching clients and couples in my childbirth classes. I am not going to lie. Labour can be painful. How painful? Well, that depends. There is a wide variety of pain perceptions and stories about pain levels in labour. Your baby’s […]
    grandparenting helpful information Blog post image

    Grandparenting – 5 Things That Have Changed Since Having Your Babies

    I have always believed that knowledge is power. And how wonderful it would be for Grandparents to support and help their children blossom into amazing parents themselves, by already having the best, up to date advice to give. So here goes:
    birth fears

    6 Steps to Overcome Your Birth Fears

    Because birth is such a transformative experience, some trepidation is normal and to be expected. However, in our current media culture, birth is portrayed as a medical emergency and used as a way to increase TV show ratings. This turns normal trepidation into fear, which is further exasperated when people tell you birth horror stories […]

    Is Cannabis Safe to use in Pregnancy?

    ***This article was originally published in the Spring 2019 Issue of The Holistic Parent Magazine *** Is Cannabis Safe to use in Pregnancy? Is cannabis safe to use in pregnancy? A question that causes many to ponder. We know and have known for many years that alcohol use is strongly discouraged during pregnancy. Lots of […]
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    Healing a Tough Birth – Pt 2

    Here are two other steps to help you heal from a difficult birth experience. The emotions that can surround your birth can be so hard to navigate and even more so if you feel hurt or disappointed by your birth. As you let yourself fully mourn what you had hoped for and start to renew […]
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    Healing a Tough Birth – Pt 1

    The emotions that can surround your birth can be so hard to navigate and even more so if you feel hurt or disappointed by your experience. I applaud your bravery and courage in taking the steps to heal. As you gain a new perspective, your story will change. You will begin to see connections, understand […]