
Balancing Birth To Baby Blog

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  • youre pregnant now what blog post image

    You’re Pregnant! Now What?

    Congratulations! What an exciting time for you! I’m sure there are a million thoughts and feelings running through your brain right now. Let us take care of some of the work for you – here’s a handy list of things you need to do in the first few weeks and months of pregnancy. First things […]
    what is a doula

    What Is a Doula (and Why You Might Want One)?

    If you’ve ever heard someone mention their doula and found yourself wondering, “What exactly does a doula do?” you’re not alone. The word “doula” often conjures up an image of a mystical guide to all things birth and baby, but we’re here to set the record straight (and maybe add a sprinkle of magic along […]
    books for babies

    Books for Babies

    Books are a great way to help your baby develop and become a reader for life! At birth a baby has all the brain cells they need for life, but they need to develop the connections (or synapses) between these cells. These connections are the keys to learning. The brain’s ability to grow these connections […]
    collecting colostrum

    Collecting Colostrum During Pregnancy

    If you’re expecting a baby, you may have heard about the benefits of collecting colostrum before birth, also known as antenatal colostrum harvesting. Colostrum is the first milk your body produces, often called “liquid gold” for its rich concentration of nutrients, antibodies, and protective properties. Collecting colostrum in the weeks leading up to your baby’s […]
    planning for your postpartum

    Planning for your Postpartum

    So much time, effort and energy goes into planning for pregnancy and planning for the birth of a baby. Often what is neglected is planning for the postpartum period. We get so caught up in waiting to have a baby that when they actually come there is an awful “Aha!” moment of “Well what do […]
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    Empowering Black Mothers: Overcoming the Barriers to Breastfeeding in the Black Community

    This post was written by Desiray Tynes, dietetic student and reviewed by Christina Iaboni, RD Black Breastfeeding Week 2024 runs from August 25-311. This annual event celebrates and supports Black mothers in their breastfeeding journeys. Despite the health benefits of breastfeeding, Black mothers often face unique challenges. To help, we need to address these barriers […]
    mastitis blog

    Treating the spectrum of mastitis

    Did you know that the guidelines for treating mastitis have changed? In fact, some of the new recommendations are the exact opposite of the previous ones! If you’re like me, you might be skeptical at first, especially if the old methods seemed to work for you. But the truth is, the new guidelines make more […]
    great gifts for expecting families edidt

    Great Gifts for Expecting Families

    Not sure what to get the expecting mother in your life? Wanting something more useful or creative than another cute outfit for baby? Look no further! Check out our list of helpful and memorable gifts for expecting families, featuring Canadian, local and small businesses! All of these can work during the holiday season, as baby […]
    miscarriage recovery

    Recovering from the Heartbreak of Miscarriage

    The first thing to know if you’ve had a miscarriage is that it was not your fault. Often when things like this happen, our first response is to try to figure out why. Unfortunately, it’s often impossible to know why a miscarriage has happened. It can be helpful to understand that miscarriages are extremely common – some estimates say 10-20 % of known pregnancies end in miscarriage.

    Newborn Massage : Good for the whole family!

    You are at home with your new bundle of joy. Whether it is your first or fourth, incorporating this little person into your household is a challenge for parents and siblings. Infant massage can be a wonderful way to bond with your tiny human.  There are many studies that show how infant massage can improve […]
    dad partner labour

    Dads, Partners, and Labour

    Gone are the days of dropping the labouring mom off at the hospital and Dad waiting for the news that all was well and his new baby was here. Not only are Dads and Partners expected to be in the birth room, but they are also expected to support moms during an experience that they […]
    birth plans

    Birth Plans 101

    I am often asked about birth plans by the couples in our classes and by my doula and coaching clients. If you don’t know, a birth plan is something that women and their partners write about what they hope will occur during their labour, what they hope to avoid, and anything else they feel is […]